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Healthy Hair is Beautiful Hair.
Roots to ends, dyes and blends, we care for your hair to the very end. Take a look at some of our shear treatments and hair care specialties.

Hydration (Steam)
Natural hair is conditioned using a steam treatment . This method imparts moisture to the hair and helps to hydrate curls

Fuhlani Conrows
Braiding is done with the addition of commercial hair. These braids are very intricate.

Flexi-Rod Set
The hair is set using flexible rods to achieve a curly style. This style can be done on relaxed or natural hair.

Frontal Weave
Commercial lace frontal that covers the hairline from ear to ear. Allows for different partings and styling versatility.

The hair is colored using a free hand method. This technique works best on hair that is 6" and longer.

Color is applied to the ends of the hair shaft. This technique works best for 6" of hair or more.
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Need help selecting a service or have more questions about your appointment? To consult a stylist, please fill out the consult form, contact our virtual assistant on the right of your screen or call us at 973-772-5151
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